The Powerful Benefits of a Birth Chart Reading With an Astrologer

Your birth chart is a map to your personality. It’s like getting the answer key to a really difficult test. A reading with an astrologer helps you understand your talents, fears, shadows, and true purpose. It provides a foundation for knowing yourself, and a guide to making the best choices that lead to your highest potential. It is a compass for navigating the waves of life.

Before you book a birth chart reading, consider your intentions for seeking the knowledge and support of a professional astrologer. A reading can be a fun birthday present, a piece of a larger spiritual journey of self-inquiry, or crucial support during a low time. A good astrologer will cater to your current needs while providing a foundation for you to receive guidance from your birth chart along your life journey.

The birth chart reading is a lifelong gift. Every reading, and every astrologer is unique, but read on to learn the top benefits of an astrological reading.

Find Your Soul Purpose

Your birth chart helps you to know yourself. It contains your gifts, untapped potential, skills, and what’s holding you back. Regardless of how it feels sometimes, each of us came into this world with a purpose. We’re here because we matter. The birth chart can highlight your best next step.

If you’ve ever taken a personality test, you know there can be self-reported bias in that your survey answers may skew the way you want to see yourself rather than the way you are. You can’t do this in astrology. The input is your birth information, as recorded on your birth certificate (or told to you by a caregiver).

But astrology goes deeper than a personality test. The theory goes that your soul decided to be born at a particular time, based on what lessons it would like to learn. As humans, we often contain contradictions — what we think we want, and then get, that doesn’t make us happy. Or, we self-sabotage before getting what we want. It’s like there are multiple selves fighting over the driver’s seat. Often, this is because conditioning, or pressures from our family, friends, and society, distorts who we are and what we go after. It can take years of therapy to excavate our true desires, but the birth chart makes it clear.

With that clarity there is also a language of astrology, commonly known as archetypes. Each of the 12 astrological signs has a personality, and each one is full of complexity. A language allows us to access concepts. It gives words to the parts of personality that confuse ourselves and others. The breakthrough often comes when someone learns about a gift they’ve had their whole life, that was always criticized as a weakness, because they were the only one in the family who had that gift.

Suddenly, you’re free from comparisons and self-criticism, because you’re not other people. You’re you.

Sometimes, a person doesn’t resonate with part of their chart. I ask them to talk more about why, and if they have memories that challenge the interpretation. It may be that the vocabulary I used had the wrong connotations, and we can come up with a better description. I always offer a suggestion: experiment with that part of yourself. If I’ve told them they’re a grounded and reliable partner, I encourage them to play into that. It’s possible they’ve overlooked a gift, making it into a shadow, because someone once called them “boring.” By re-examining, we can reclaim our true nature.

In short, astrology is a celebration of self. A birth chart reading is a time that’s about you, why you’re wholly unique, and how you can fully express yourself, unapologetically.

Improve Relationships & Career

Understanding your birth chart helps you explore your development. You can see patterns within your family of origin, early friendships, and romantic relationships, both successful and not-so-good. By seeing why a particular relationship or career didn’t work, based on your birth chart, you can make better choices in the future that are more aligned on a soul level.

I consider myself lucky that I did not discover astrology until my 30s. That gave me a few decades of blissful ignorance to the patterns of the stars. Once I began studying, I could look back at how my personality shifted from childhood to teenage years to adulthood, and through transits of various planets with my chart. By looking up specific dates of transits, and referencing calendars and journal entries, I could compare themes. Without knowing what I was doing, I was playing right into the planetary cycles. Everything happened right on time. Now that I know astrology, I can do it consciously. This means I can lean into the healthy expressions of the archetypes, and use these cycles for my own spiritual development, rather than feeling lost in random suffering.

Astrology is precise. We can track transits to a specific day. By reviewing the transits against the life experience, you are able to understand how so-called mistakes were actually for your benefit. You have evidence that shows you are on track, and you’ve always been on track. This is not just comfort—it’s a foundation for self-inquiry. The more you understand the astrological cycles, the more you feel at peace when new challenges arise. You know they’ll pass, just as the planets keep moving.

Make Better Decisions

An astrological reading helps you to know your future. Just like we can explore transits in the past, we can map out the transits coming up in the future. Based on your own personal chart, we are able to forecast themes.

Some astrologers with a strong intuitive skill-set are able to predict specific outcomes. But, most astrologers today do not make predictions, but respect human free will. That means they will contextualize the themes coming and the choices you have.

For example, I had a progressed moon in Scorpio, which is often associated with depression. I did not want to be depressed! Had I not known about this transit, I certainly would have been, because nothing in my life was working very well. Because I was aware of the transit, I was able to reorganize my life to allow for deep self-excavation. I took trainings on past-life experiences and trauma healing, both Scorpio themes. I allowed for endings, regeneration, and rebirth. The worst thing you can do is fight a transit. By knowing the characteristics of a transit, you can expertly flow with life.

While the transits change as the planets move in the sky, the birth chart itself is constant. The birth chart provides a personal mission statement, or a code of values. It’s a flexible guidebook that helps you make decisions. Instead of swaying to what others think, you have a basis to be your own authority. Much of our pain comes from “shoulds.” By understanding your birth chart, you know what is best for you. No more regrets.

Increased Self-Confidence

Many people want to know the benefits of a birth chart reading because they are curious about results. Working with a professional astrologer is a step toward spiritual enlightenment. There are many spiritual paths, and none is superior to the others. Spiritual practices do tend to present themselves to a person at the best possible time. Like meditation, energy healing, or yoga, astrology provides a pathway that starts with self-knowledge and leads towards awakening.

Spiritual practices differ from medical interventions, or even psychological support, in one major way. They are not focused on symptoms. Instead of resolving an issue with measurable results within a time period, they get to the root. They aren’t outcome based (though engaging with a spiritual practice will undoubtedly bring change). You won’t see before and after photos like you would when working with a fitness coach or a teeth whitening procedure.

The results of a spiritual practice can be evaluated. Change can be measured in the following three ways. In the first category, a person experiences a dramatic shift in direction immediately, through a revelation or insight, and quits the job, ends the relationship, sells the house, and so on. They go on to speak of their life before the birth chart reading as a distinct time period.

In the second category, someone may find a small shift across the following year, due to the guidance received in a birth chart reading. A change in direction becomes more apparent over time, as they continue to make progressive choices based on their true desires, and not societal conditioning. Only in hindsight do they see how they’ve become someone new—themself.

The third category is an internal change that doesn’t require any external action. Someone may come into a reading with unhappiness around their career or relationship. Through the birth chart, they find their instincts have been right all along and they are living in tune with the universe. It only took the chart to act as a mirror to help them see and appreciate exactly where they are.

Everyone can benefit from a birth chart reading. Astrology is a portal to your unique skills and gifts, and shows you how to best navigate your life. With the guidance of astrology, you can trust everything is happening on time, and even the most thorny issues can be counterbalanced. The world is constantly changing, and a birth chart reading is the first step to becoming your own guide.

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Dani Fankhauser

Fiction writer, journalist, 2x startup founder, mindfulness guide.


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