Cosmic Preview: The Astrology of 2023

Photo by Jeff W on Unsplash

2023 is about rebirth. There is raw, pioneer energy coming from Mars and significant transits happening either with Mars or in Mars-ruled Aries. Heavy-hitting outer planets Saturn and Pluto ingress into new signs, making notable aspects at 0 degrees, numerologically contributing to the theme of a pure, undiluted fresh start. The North Node moves into Aries, with the South Node at its opposite polarity in Libra, which kicks off a new eclipse cycle, themed around identity.

The first eclipse of the year comes in April, an Aries solar eclipse at 29 degrees (and 50 minutes). The 29th degree is the anaretic degree, symbolizing finality.

Pluto stays locked in a square with the North and South Nodes for most of the year. It acts as a tension point between where we’ve been and where we’re going, but that clash can also become a bridge. Pluto’s version of a fresh start often involves a refining fire, a visit to the underworld, so that a phoenix can emerge from the ashes.

The way forward is through instinct and action.

Collectively, we’re at the start of a new journey. The way forward is through instinct and action.

  • The first half of the year is focused on seeing new sights and acclimating to our rogue reality.

  • In the second half of the year, the planets will retrograde back, covering much of the same ground, and we’ll feel more secure on the new footing.

  • Between these two hemispheres of time, there will be a combustive Fixed Grand Cross in late May, when Pluto’s nearly year-long tension with the Nodes comes to a head.

Last year, we experienced dissolution and awakening, and 2023 is the year to raise your hand. What part would you like to play?

Astrology of January 2023

Mars, the warrior-king symbolic leader of the year, kicks off the new year still retrograde in Gemini since October, inviting intellectual agency to dual identities or paths. On January 12, Mars moves direct and into forward motion. Mercury and Uranus station direct as well. From this point, and until late April, all planets are direct! This is a great time to experiment and act, and leave the past behind.

Astrology of February 2023

The Nodes, an axis with the North Node at one end and South Node at the other, are always orbiting in reverse. They’ve been moving through the Taurus-Scorpio polarities for almost two years, and as they approach the final decan, 10 to 0 degrees, Pluto reaches 29 degrees, the anaretic degree of Capricorn. As powerful regenerator Pluto deals the final metamorphosis to Capricornian institutions, it comes into a square with the Nodes.

“Necessity is the mother of invention.”

The Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio reference themes of crypto and climate. Pluto’s shift from Capricorn into Aquarius symbolizes a changing of authority from institutions to collectives. All of these things in tension invokes the proverb, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Meanwhile, Saturn reaches 29 degrees of Aquarius, piling on a finality to restrictions around collective progress. February is a month of last-call endings.

Astrology of March 2023

In March, Saturn moves into Pisces, and Pluto moves into Aquarius. Saturn is our planetary patriarch, but in Pisces, he’s sort of a silent guru. This trip, lasting until 2025 will be productive for building a spiritual discipline. Pluto in Aquarius is the mad scientist. In the Aquarian realm of groups, humanitarianism, and technology, we’ll see new geniuses emerge. How these superheroes pair power with responsibility will become apparent as Pluto moves through Aquarius until 2044.

On March 1, we have the Chiron-Jupiter conjunction in Aries. This is Jupiter the expander and Chiron the healer, in the sign of building courage. It’s a moment to face fears, especially the ones associated with core wounds.

Astrology of April 2023

As the Sun moves from Aries to Taurus, it is joined by a cluster of planets, making a stellium in both signs. Lots of energy will play into the themes of these early spring signs. As a sensual analogy, think of the seasonal elements at this time of year: Just when you’ve resigned yourself to forever winter, the ice on the sidewalk turns into a puddle.

On April 20, the first Aries eclipse of a new two-year cycle comes with the new moon. It’s at the anaretic 29th degree, but as a new moon, denotes planted seeds and fresh intentions. This is a mature pioneer who’s found a place to farm. On the cusp—so Aries, it’s Taurus. This is the rocket launch countdown, the moment just before the curtains go up. It’s time to get on your mark.

Astrology of May 2023

On May 1, Pluto, still at 0 degrees Aquarius, goes retrograde. It’s going to repeat the earlier point made about the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp and the tension with the Nodes.

On May 5, the full moon in Scorpio is an eclipse, referencing themes of climate and crypto.

On May 16, Jupiter transitions into Taurus. The benefactor is in the realm of farmers and bankers. Think of Oprah giving out free cars to her studio audience. There’s enough to share.

We all have Mars in us, both the instinct to survive and the strength to act.

But a day later, on May 17, Jupiter reaches a square with Pluto at 0 degrees. This is tension between the benefactor and the mad scientist. This could play out as greed vs. mutual aid. At 0 degrees, it’s a little immature. The square is also part of a bigger story, one that began with the Pluto-Jupiter conjunction on April 5, 2020.

Closely following, on May 20, Mars forms a Fixed Grand Cross with Pluto and the North and South Nodes. Jupiter and Mercury are conjunct the North Node, adding a little extra weight (and luck) to the Taurus point of this diagram. With all points in fixed signs (Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, and Scorpio), this is stubborn and persistent tension. It’s also the apex of Pluto’s year-long dance with the Nodes. Mars plays a key part, here. I’m reminded of a woman I met once who said people would compliment her on her courage to leave a bad relationship. She’d respond that it wasn’t really that, it was like running from a burning building. We all have Mars in us, both the instinct to survive and the strength to act. Fiery Mars, at a raw 0 degrees in shimmery Leo, is ready to run and shine.

Astrology of June 2023

Phew, things slow down a bit in June. Saturn and Neptune, both in Pisces, turn retrograde, bringing a retrospective to where we’ve gone creatively and spiritually so far.

“This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

On June 1, Jupiter is conjunct the North Node in Taurus, bringing some wisdom and luck to the aftermath of that big grand cross, possibly the faith needed to make a big leap. Mystic Terence McKenna once said, “This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

Astrology of July 2023

In July, the Nodes leave the Taurus-Scorpio axis and move into Aries-Libra. This is the axis of relationships. With the North Node in Aries, the highest potential is found in sacred selfishness. Having the courage to be yourself is the only way to truly be in relationship with others. Aries is willing to fight for peace. Beware of peace that whitewashes hidden oppression. Do you wait for everyone to get on board, or just do the thing? Maybe, it’s about picking a side.

Venus turns retrograde in Leo, as well as Chiron in Aries. Notably, both draw back from approaching a conjunction. Venus was about to catch up to Mars, uniting the masculine and feminine, and Chiron was close behind the North Node, bringing together healing and highest potential. Because of these retrogrades, each of these conjunctions won’t happen until 2025. Thus, July is marked by a feeling of missed connections. We’re flirting but not quite consummating.

Maybe, it’s about picking a side.

Between July 22-28, Pluto makes three exact squares to the Nodes at 29 degrees, and the Sun drops in to form another Grand Cross at 0 degrees Leo (where Mars was earlier). The Sun rules Leo, so it’s in its domicile, or home, here, its childlike joy standing up to Pluto’s decaying dip back into Capricorn. It’s like seeing a movie remake with different actors. The scene hits a little differently this time around. With oppositions, though, everything is illuminated. We’re facing the drama head-on.

Astrology of August 2023

In August, Mercury moves retrograde in one of its domiciles of Virgo, and Uranus moves retrograde in Taurus. This adds up to seven planets retrograde roughly from the end of August until the middle of September. Planets slow down as they’re about to station retrograde, as if they’re suspended in the sky. The hurdles of the year have left things hanging in the balance. We’re watching to see where the chips will fall.

Astrology of September 2023

In September, Venus moves direct in Leo, Jupiter goes retrograde a day later, and then Mercury moves direct in Virgo. Jupiter teases a conjunction with Uranus, which we can look forward to in 2024.

September is a good time for setting foundations

With the faster planets retrograding within a single astrological sign, the major movement in September is mostly limited to the sun and the moon. With the sun in the earth sign of Virgo, and so many planets reviewing old ground, September is a good time for setting foundations.

Astrology of October 2023

We have two eclipses in October: With the Libra new moon on Oct. 14 and the Taurus full moon on Oct. 28. The latter is the very last eclipse of the Taurus-Scorpio series that began on Nov. 19, 2021. Look back to the events of that date to see what redirections have conspired, especially around finance and nature.

Pluto’s made it back to 27 degrees Capricorn, which is roughly where it kicked off 2023. Now, Pluto stations direct, inching back towards forward-thinking Aquarius.

Astrology of November 2023

In November, Saturn stations direct at 0 degrees Pisces. Unlike Pluto’s dance over a cusp, Saturn does not return to its old ground. By stationing direct at 0, though, there is an element of really savoring the undefiled early Pisces energy. Saturn is the cosmic timekeeper and rewards both patience and effort. It’s a foil to an otherwise Mars-fueled year. Saturn remains in Pisces until May 2025. You get to decide if you’ll spend it meditating or in timeout.

Astrology of December 2023

The year comes to a close with another full Mercury retrograde cycle, and the station direct of Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron. Pluto and the Nodes break free of the square.

2023 is a year of sparks and sparkles. What feels wobbly isn’t always bad. It’s like a fresh construction condo that needs to be furnished.

2023 is a year of sparks and sparkles

We set up for 2024 with Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn, and only Uranus in retrograde.The teased conjunctions of Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus and Chiron-North Node in Aries are still to come. When Pluto crosses into Aquarius in January 2024, it will continue there, uninterrupted, for 20 years. What starts in 2023 has staying power.

Dani Fankhauser

Fiction writer, journalist, 2x startup founder, mindfulness guide.


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